sedation dentist for my child

100% Focus on your child

Upon arrival to the office, your child is checked in and weighed by the office staff. Dr. Crippen then completes a clinical health assessment with special emphasis on their heart, lungs and airway. Once your child is deemed healthy, they are given a sedative which helps them to relax. Shortly after, they are brought into the operatory to begin the treatment. Because your child is sedated, he or she will be unaware you (the parent) have remained in the reception area.

Eating and drinking: 
No food or drink within 8 hours of the appointment.
Food and liquids must be restricted prior to sedation. We will not proceed with the sedation if you do not comply with this.

Change in health status 
Should your child become ill prior to a sedation appointment, contact our office to see if it is necessary to postpone the sedation.

Check with us to see if routine medications should be taken the day of the sedation. Also, inform us of any allergies or reactions to medications that your child has experienced.

Dress your child in loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. This will allow us to place monitors that evaluate your child’s response to the medications and help ensure your child’s safety. If your child wears a diaper or training pants, please bring a pair with you to the appointment.

Try not to bring other children to this appointment so you can focus your attention on your child undergoing the sedation. It is preferable to have 2 adults accompany the patient home.

Post-Op Instructions
Immediately after the sedation you will be rejoined with your child and detailed post-operative instructions will be reviewed with you. 

CLICK OR TAP HERE to download Post-Op Instructions.

You should plan to stay with your child for the remainder of the day as he or she will likely sleep more than normal and will need a responsible adult with them at all times.

You may reach us with any questions by calling: (916) 476-3972

it's sleepy time

From Reception Room to the Operatory

Once in the operatory, your child is placed in the dental chair and sensors are placed which will monitor their vital signs throughout the procedure. In addition, a wireless stethoscope is placed on their neck to enable Dr. Crippen to listen to their breathing throughout the procedure. Topical anesthetic is then placed on their skin and the IV is started. Once the IV is in place, additional sedative and pain medications may be administered to achieve the desired level of sedation.

At the end of the procedure your child is rejoined with you and detailed post-operative instructions are provided.


The following is a list of expected side effects after sedation:
Irritability and/or crying. This is common. Please console your child as this irritability will pass.
Sleeping more than normal for the remainder of the day. Please be sure to keep him/her on their side while sleeping. You or a responsible adult should stay with your child while he or she is sleeping.
Your child may experience double vision and/or may lack coordination. Do not allow your child to perform any activities which require coordination.
Your child may be nauseous and/or may vomit. Keep your child hydrated with plenty of CLEAR liquids for the remainder of the day.

The following is a list of expected side effects after dental treatment:
Irritated, inflamed, swollen and/or discolored gum tissue (white/red/dark brown).
Slight bleeding around fillings, crowns, extraction sites and/or space maintainers.
Pain/discomfort around fillings, crowns, extraction sites and/or space maintainers.
Numb lips, cheeks and/or tongue. *Please monitor your child to prevent him/her from biting themselves while numb (~2 hours after the procedure)*

The following will help to relieve above side effects:
Resume normal brushing and flossing the day following the procedure. Symptoms should resolve within 1 week.
Give your child over-the-counter pain medications as needed for 24-48 hours. You may alternate Children’s Tylenol (every 4 hours) with Children’s Motrin (every 6 hours). Under no circumstances should you exceed the maximum recommended dose of either medication.
Your child may eat a soft meal prepared in small amounts for easy swallowing when he/she is hungry (e.g. soup, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs).

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Crippen at (916) 476-3972.


Learn About Our Sedation Options


Fill Out New Patient Forms

There is a bit of paperwork to fill out when you’re a new patient. For your convenience, please call us at (916) 476-3972 to request our forms be sent to you.

Get In Touch

920 29th Street
Sacramento, CA


Monday: 7:30am to 4:00pm
Tuesday:  7:30am to 4:00pm
Wednesday:  7:30am to 4:00pm
Thursday:  7:30am to 4:00pm
Friday:  By Appointment
Closed for lunch from 11:30am – 12:30pm

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